January 29, 2014

"Mommy, Darla pooped!"

Disclaimer:  If you don't like gross things, don't read this story.  Really.  It's pretty gross.  I debated about blogging this one but feel the need to document this for my own memories and to laugh about with Ellie someday :)

So tonight, Ellie was in the bubble bath and tooted a few times in a row.  She said, "Mommy, I'm pooping."  I assured her that she was just tooting, and she went along playing.  About five minutes later, I was looking down at my phone because I was posting pictures of our snow cream making, and she said "Mommy, Darla pooped!" and handed me a turd from the bath tub!!!  Ahhhh!!!!!  Oh my!  The turd fell onto the bathroom floor, and I immediately called downstairs to Mike for him to come up (not so much to help but more to share in the moment with us!)  I pulled her out of the tub of course and scooped out most of the floating feces with toilet paper and put it into the potty.  We made sure Ellie knew that it was okay, and we were all smiling and laughing about it.  She ran around naked and yelled down the stairs to Daddy after he left the scene, "I pooped in the bath tub!"

Ellie enjoyed standing there naked watching me fetch it out of the tub and exclaimed "Poop's everywhere!"  Hahahaha, yes my child.  Poop is everywhere.  She had done this once before around 9 months or so, but this was much more messy and much more entertaining with a chatty little girl :)  Ellie also commented, "It's okay!" and even said "I'm sorry."  Sweet girl.  I finished cleaning the tub out of course and ran a fresh bath.  She was very excited to get to take another bubble bath!

Ellie was so proud looking in the potty and claiming "I pooped in the potty!"  Oh no!  Please Lord, don't let her think this is how you go about pooping in the potty!!!  She has been fascinated with all things related to the potty for a while now, so she seemed to become more and more excited about this event over the next 30 minutes or so of our evening before bed time.  With that said, I guess I should have involved her in the flushing process, but I didn't (mommy fail!)  Boy, did she notice right away when I was drying her off that the "Poop's all gone!"  While I was getting her ready for bed, she kept asking me, "Where'd the poop go?"  She eagerly told me it was time for diaper change when I was rubbing her down with lotion, and when I got the diaper on she repeatedly cheered "Yay, diaper!"  She is not normally quite this excited ;)

Oh my Ellie, even these disgusting moments can make for sweet memories with you!  Thanks for making Mommy laugh every day.  You make life so fun!  Just remember, when you're not in your diaper, let's try to poop in the potty.

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