November 2, 2013

Ellie: 19 Months

It has been a fun, action-packed month filled with all kinds of fun fall activities!  We have been loving the weather and trying to be outside as much as possible!!

 Yes, we eventually put away the water 2 weeks ago :)

 Fun playing in the back yard!

 Ready, set...


Cobble family Sunday lunch at La Parilla!

We have been down to the Vol Walk several more times and one Saturday we played in Vol Village, which was really fun!  
 Watching the Vol Walk!

The crew the weekend of the Georgia game

 Dancing her little heart out with Dada

We went on a play date to Oakes Farm with our PEP Moms group.  We had a great time!!  Too bad we went on a Friday, so Mike missed out on the pumpkin patch fun this year.  

 Ellie's 1st hayride!

 Picking out her perfect, plumply, dumply, pumpkin (one of our favorite fall books)

 Ellie loved exploring the pumpkin patch!  She calls our pumpkin we got and most other pumpkins she sees "heavy pumpkin!"
 Mommy and Ellie in the pumpkin patch!

 She was a big fan of talking to and petting the goats!

 She had a blast running through the corn rows!!!  She would have stayed there all day!

 Love that silly girl!

 My sweet little pumpkin

My girls!  Darla and I were both fresh from the beauty parlor :)

 Puddle stomping!

We got to go to Indy to see my dear college friend, Anna, get married on October 12th!  Anna and I lived together freshman year in the dorms and then again junior and senior year in the beloved shack we affectionately call 4-oh-1.  We always have the best time visiting with my U of I friends, and this weekend was no exception!  It was a little different for sure because Miss Ellie came along, but she did great and made lots of new friends!  I forgot my camera and my phone because I was rushing around running late ("like a nut job" as Mike always says), so I barely have any pictures from the wedding...such a bummer!  Even though I literally have NO pictures of her, Anna was such a beautiful bride, and we loved celebrating her big day!!!
 They had the greatest kids meal ever!

 Michelle was a beautiful matron of honor!

 Dancing the night away!

Kate is the greatest :) 

Family photo 

Love these friends so much! 

Why does Chicago have to be so far away?

 My sweets.  Although she looks so precious here, I think this was right after she hit me in the face actually because she didn't want to take a picture, and she was trying to divert being disciplined by saying "hair!" and playing with my hair (one of her latest tricks!)

 Ellie was crazy about Kate all weekend!!!  Mommy was definitely chopped liver compared to Kate :)  She was super sweet and patient with Ellie being so demanding of her attention!

 At breakfast the morning after watching Elmo or Pooh on Nicole's phone...she sure knew how to win her over ;)

 Someone was verrry sleepy the next day while Daddy was trying to fold up her pack-n-play!

 Just a little stop at McDonald's play place on the way home

 Little monkey

 Play date with the Winstons at one of our favorite places, Anchor Park!

 This little mini skirt just kills cute.

 Fun times in the sand box

She learning to cross the bridges by herself!  She used to walk across holding my hands, but this day she was adamantly saying "no help!"

 Checking out the new spinner at our neighborhood playground!

 The petting zoo at "Hello Fall" at church was a huge hit!

I think she went around and pet every single goat and sheep in there!

 Merry-Go-Round all by herself!

Tid bits from this month:
  • Probably the cutest and newest thing about Ellie this month is that she has become slightly obsessed with letters and the ABC song!  She absolutely loves all toys that involve letters...her foam bath letters, the tiny Bananagram letters she pulls out of the cabinet, her Leap Frog laptop, you name it...if it has letters on it, she's all over it.  She frequently requests "more song", "song please", or "more ac" (she likes to leave the b out)  Once you start singing, let me tell ya, it's hard to stop.  She wants you to sing the "ac song" over and over and over again :)  It's pretty adorable to see how her face just lights up when you start to sing.  She loves to pat her hands on her lap to the beat, and at the end when you sing the "now I know my ABCs..." part, she sways back and forth.  It may be the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Trust me, we (being the adults in the household) definitely get sick of the song, but it's hard to beat seeing the joy she has when we sing!  She also loves "Old McDonald" and is starting to sing along some with the animals sounds.  "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" is probably in 3rd place right now.
  • In addition to loving the ABC song, she really is excited about learning her letters and numbers.  She blows me away with how many of them she actually knows and will point out when we are reading or just randomly on people's shirts or wherever she sees them.  I have caught her "counting" a few times.  She will NOT do it if prompted, but one morning she was touching the dots on her cup and saying, "5, 6, 7, 8, 9!"  No joke.  So stinking cute!  She is also starting to associate letters with certain words (thanks to her Leap Frog laptop), so she will say things like "E for elephant", "J for jellyfish", or one of her favorites, "D for Darla".
  • Ellie is also starting to learn her colors.  She has a fish bowl game where it names the color of the fish as she puts it in, so that really got her started with learning her colors.  Her favorite color'll never guess...brown!  Yes, she loves brown!  She loves to point out her "brown shoes" and she always puts the "brown fish" in the bowl first.  Her 2nd favorite color is green, which was my favorite when I was little (because it was my buddy Uncle Mike's favorite, too!)  If you ask her, "what color is ____?", she will usually respond with "green!"  She also likes to point out purple and red.  
  • Ellie is starting to laugh more at socially appropriate she will giggle at funny things on a show or something Darla does.
  • Instead of just labeling items with one word, she oftentimes will say "It's a _____."  She also is moving beyond nouns and using adjectives to describe objects.  Her favorite one is definitely "heavy", and she also comments about things that are "soft."  She likes to call her puppy "silly Darla" or "crazy Darla" :)
  • Ellie is becoming more independent and is doing much better during drop-off at school and church nursery.  She doesn't usually fuss at all when Daddy drops her off at school, and some days she reaches out for her teachers.  One day when I took her, as we were pulling in the parking lot she said, "more wind" because the wind from the window being down died down as I slowed down to turn.  Then I explained that we were slowing down because we were at school, and she said, "oh boy!"  I was really excited to see her being excited to go to school!!  We have always known she has a great time at school, but it's another thing to see her show it!  Her teacher are really happy to see this growth in her, too!
  • Ellie has a new love for Winnie the Pooh, especially the Pooh song.  She watched a lot of the "Pooh" song on my mom's iPad when she was in Atlanta, so now it's a toss up between which friend to take in the car or in the stroller on any given day: Elmo, Pooh, or baby?  Oh, the decisions of a 19 month old! :)  My mom sent back my Pooh piggy bank from when I was little, and Ellie got a hold of it and fell in love.  For several days, she carried around that ceramic Pooh.  It was so cute but slightly dangerous, haha!  My mom sent her a Pooh stuffed animal in the mail and Miss Beth is letting her borrow her Pooh bear from when she was a little girl- very special!  

Daddy tried to hide the ceramic Pooh since her obsession was becoming hazardous.  He obviously didn't hide Pooh very well because Ellie spotted him (turned over on the 3rd shelf up) and begged for "Pooh please, Pooh please..."  I tried to redirect, but that did not work out too well.

Look at that face.  Poor girl!

Since Daddy hadn't done a very good job hiding Pooh, I felt badly and let her play with Pooh.  She was SO excited to put Pooh in the stroller and share some juice with him :) 

Over the moon with joy!

"Yucky diaper!"  

 Such a little mommy!

 Pooh had to wear a bib to eat his lunch :)

Thanks for reading!  Until next time, friends!