January 4, 2009

Some things never change...

I am a procrastinator---I always have been, and I'm afraid of the idea that I may always be. I have been talking about starting a blog for about two months now. Considering I have had a full month "off" from any school-related obligations, I have had ample time to sit down and get this thing started. Here I am approximately 30 hours from starting my internship, and I just decided that I am actually going to create a blog! It figures.

There are so many things that I've planned on blogging about over the past two months of thinking about starting a blog :) Soooo, with that said, I may blog backward a little to do my "new life" justice and update those of you who I don't get a chance to talk to as much as I'd like to about all the exciting things that have happened!

I just had a mini revelation about the title of this post, some things never change. Those four simple words can be very comforting during a time of so much change. It is nice to be reminded that some things never do change. Don't get me wrong, I actually really like change. It's so new and exciting and always keeps things interesting!

Our lives are in a season of change, and we are truly enjoying the journey! Hopefully this blog will help you share the journey with us!!